Can you help us? 🙏

Dear readers. Hope all of you are safe and sound and staying home. As you know, due to the Corona virus pandemic, almost one third of the world has gone on lockdown and the economic situation for many is very grim. I run a school in India. It is a school which charges less than…

This boy predicted a global disease almost 7 months back!!!

There is something special about the ancient Indian knowledge – astrology. My grandfather was a Vedic astrologer in a small village in India. People from all over the country used to throng or house to get answers for their questions. From morning 7 till evening 5, people used to patiently wait to hear from him….

Does it matter?

Does it matter?  The money that I am chasing The education that I am trying to impart my children The greed for wealth The desire to hoard Does it matter? Does it matter? The beauty that I cherish The ego that I hold The faith that I hold The boundaries that I want to guard…

Breaking The Odds Like These Real Life Wonder Women

Gender equality in workforce is being targeted by Government and it reflects by encouraging the women candidates to apply. These simple words are going to change the world as we know it, mark on it. I read this small footnote printed on the notification of UPSC exam this year, and it got me pondering who…

15 reflection questions we must ask ourselves in this new year…

What was my wisest decision? 2.       What is the biggest lesson I learned? 3.       What is the greatest risk I took? 4.       What was the biggest surprise of the year? 5.       What was the most important thing I did for others? 6.       What was the most significant accomplishment? 7.       What was something I wanted to but could not accomplish? 8.       What is…

From Purse to Purpose

From Purse to Purpose – Why is it so important for us to make this journey ASAP! Continuing our trail of thought from our previous post on why it is important to move from Ambition to Vision, we see that personal ambitions propelled by a desire for acquiring more money is the main reasons why humanity is…

Young and stupid

Being young and stupid is great. You get to do all sorts of things,  carefree,  not minding of the repercussions or effects.  Not thinking long term,  just looking for short time pleasure,  life is great till you get caught.  The problem with our stupidity is not that we are daring and Breaking the rules to…

What would you love doing for free?

Are you so driven to create something great, you would do it for free? That’s what Ron Avitzur did – By working at Apple when he didn’t even work there… 20 years ago, Ron was hired by Apple as a contractor, but his project was suddenly cancelled. As he recalls: “A year of my work…

“Be yourself. Everything else is already taken.”

“Fake it until you make it.” – Why is this the worst advice EVER? In the “Material World” of the 1980’s and 1990’s, appearances trumped authenticity. So if you could pretend to be successful, you could hoodwink people into believing you were. So there was a time when “Fake it until you make it” was…

“Your time is limited. Don’t waste it by living someone else’s life.”

Here’s Steve Jobs’ Top 10: Rule 1 – “Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected.” Rule 2 – “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.” Rule 3 – “One of my mantras – focus and simplicity. Simple…

“Fear is a habit and I am not afraid of it.”

Congratulations to Aung San Suu Kyi. An incredibly inspiring leader. She endured 15 years of house arrest and decades of hardship under the Myanmar Military Government, and this week she takes a seat in parliament with her party having the majority of seats. A historic moment. They threatened her life, and led the Depayin Massacre…

There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.

Read in the Internet.  “If you’re chasing perfection, give yourself a break. Literally. In my 20’s, I tried to do things perfectly. The more I tried, the more I failed. No matter how good things were, I thought they could be better. No matter how well I did, I thought I could do better.  Then…

‘Don’t break the chain’

A nice article that I came across about how to stop procrastination. I have the same struggle as many of you do – Procrastination. There are days, when I get a thought that I want to share in the blog, but then I simply put that aside due to various reasons. Here is an interesting tip…

The Happiness Framework summarized

In continuation with the previous 3 blogs on happiness framework, One of the powerful quotes from my master that struck me when I was reading this book is  is ‘Work from happiness and not for happiness’. It is such a powerful quote. And immense depth in that one simple change from ‘for’ to ‘from’ I can’t…

The Happiness Framework – 3

This is an excerpt from the book ‘Delivering Happiness’ from the CEO of the company Zappos. I enjoyed reading through the book and especially liked the last bit, where he talks about the happiness framework. With due credits to the author I shall share the excerpts from the book. Continuation of the previous … Presenting the happiness framework -3    

The Happiness Framework – 2

This is an excerpt from the book ‘Delivering Happiness’ from the CEO of the company Zappos. I enjoyed reading through the book and especially liked the last bit, where he talks about the happiness framework. With due credits to the author I shall share the excerpts from the book.   Continuation of the previous … Presenting the happiness framework -2

The Happiness Framework 1

This is an excerpt from the book ‘Delivering Happiness’ from the CEO of the company Zappos. I enjoyed reading through the book and especially liked the last bit, where he talks about the happiness framework. With due credits to the author I shall share the excerpts from the book.     to be continued…

This moved me

There is a tribe in Africa called the Himba tribe, where the birth date of a child is counted not from when they were born, nor from when they are conceived but from the day that the child was a thought in its mother’s mind. And when a woman decides that she will have a…

Would that help?

I was watching this movie, The Bridge of Spies one thing that I really liked was when Abel says his “Would it help?” dialogues. He is sentenced to death and he doesn’t seem worried. So Tom hanks ask him, why he doesn’t seem to be worried and Abel asks back “Would it help?” And throughout…

The Poet Series

And this was one of my most favourite series. I have never been very linguistic. However these poems / quotes have made a deep impact in me and changed me forever. Here are the links for the blogs:

The Bruce Lee Series

This was my other favourite series of blog son Bruce Lee and his teachings. I can read this a hundred times and I wouldn’t get bored. Here are the links for the blogs:

The ‘Go Fish’ Series

Dear all, Sharing one of my most favourite Blog series that I had created a few years back. Some of the most powerful zenned cartoons.

Fascinating Monkey Experiment

“ A scientist put five monkeys in a cage. On top of the cage, he placed a banana. Of course, the monkeys all started trying to climb to the top of the cage, fighting each other for the banana. One of the monkeys got to the banana, and as he picked it up, the scientist…

So what? What next?

One of the powerful phrase I came across in my early days was “So what? What next?” Many a times we are stuck in guilt or in some fear and we find it difficult to overcome the thought that is holding us back. This phrase is a powerful thought to help us cross over the fear…

The divine play

Dear all,  Thank you for all your emails.  I can’t but stop wondering about the divine play that is going around.  Some of the email touched my heart and some made me cry.  I feel blessed to know that some of my articles have reached you at the right moment and helped you overcome some…

This is a story that inspires

Back in 2013, Melissa Dohme shared a chilling tale of her ex-boyfriend’s brutal stabbing to spread awareness for dating violence. But what she didn’t know is that years later, her story would end with a shocking twist of fate that no one saw coming. In a Facebook post, Melissa wrote: “I am a survivor of extreme domestic violence. My name…

Don’t quit

It is when things go wrong that you don’t quit.  It is when things go wrong that heroes rise and leaders emerge.  It is when things go wrong that you really know who you are.  So hold on.  There is light at the end of the tunnel for sure. 

Steve Jobs’ Last Words

I reached the pinnacle of success in the business world. In others’ eyes, my life is an epitome of success. However, aside from work, I have little joy. In the end, wealth is only a fact of life that I am accustomed to. At this moment, lying on the sick bed and recalling my whole…

Loved this chapter

The Habit Cure  SHE WAS THE scientists’ favorite participant. Lisa Allen, according to her file, was thirty-four years old, had started smoking and drinking when she was sixteen, and had struggled with obesity for most of her life. At one point, in her mid-twenties, collection agencies were hounding her to recover $ 10,000 in debts….

The bamboo tree story

The Story of The Chinese Bamboo Tree Like any plant, growth of the Chinese Bamboo Tree requires nurturing – water, fertile soil, sunshine. In its first year, we see no visible signs of activity. In the second year, again, no growth above the soil. The third, the fourth, still nothing. Our patience is tested and…

When you are hurt, just hug

This anecdote that I read in one of the books brought me tears, and I realised how a simple action, word or incident could transform a persons life. Through my writing I hope that, it would have a positive impact on some person, some where out there in the world. Never under estimate the power…

Start small. Start NOW

Excerpts from the book: Activate your brain ” One day, Kyle MacDonald, a man from Vancouver, Canada, decided to see if he could, through a series of swaps, trade a red paper clip for a house. It’s an amazing yearlong tale that began with a Craigslist ad. For one red paper clip, Kyle got a…

In the name of GOD or in the name of Politics

It pains to watch innocent lives being harmed because of the increasing violence around the world.  Though the reports says it is being done in the name of GOD,  it is hard to believe.  I read every bit of news with a skeptic mind,  because it is important to understand who is behind the media…

Power of 1% improvement

Really loved this article.  Power of 1% improvement. 1. Try getting up one minute earlier than your previous day 2. Try walking a few extra steps everyday 3. Try one extra smile a day So,  what is that one percent marginal improvement that got want to do?