From my heart


Dear friends,

Honestly for almost two weeks I have not really blogging from my heart. I have just posted a few random collection of quotes that I created long back.

Work is keeping me busy and have been. Travelling far and wide. And after a long, as I am writing this blog with my full attention, I am feeling elated.

For the past one month, have been completely immersed in a new creative project and one thing that struck me the most while working on creative projects is that, the greatest barrier for creativity is the fear of being wrong.

Not just creative projects, the fear of being wrong is part of our everyday life.

I train educators across the world, and I can see this fear in them too. They hesitate to express their thoughts because of this fear.

What matters the most is not if others think we are wrong, but whether we think we are wrong or not.

So get over this fear of being wrong. That blocks our thought process. It’s not worth it.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. muraly raghavan says:

    What a true lesson

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